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when i was a baby, apparently my favorite baby foods included carrots, pumpkin, and squash. i ate so much of those veggies that my skin actually started to take on an orange-ish tinge. (never fear: apparently that's pretty normal and not really anything to worry about. tic. tic. nothing at all to worry about.)

there is a sweet baby named griffin at john's school who is no longer eating baby food (he made a year recently) and so griffin's mom donated a bunch of unused food to the school. john being the only baby-food eater right now, he was the grateful recipient. (if by some chance you're reading this, griffin's mom, thank you very much!) included in the batch were some new tastes he could try ... like squash.

so it was with great excitement that i pulled out the little spoon last night and gave john his first bite. which he LOVED. couldn't get enough. he ate half of the container, which doesn't sound like a lot until you realize the most he's ever wanted before was a few spoonfuls. he would take a bite, mash it in his mouth, then open wide for the next bite before i had even gotten a new spoonful. it was actually really cute to watch.

so, while john is a looooong ways from turning orange, i can't wait for him to try carrots. and pumpkin. and everything else, too, of course, but with his mother's propensity for orange foods, it'll be fun to see if hee prefers them too.

p.s. high-maintenance baby took a hiatus last night, and happy giggly fun baby came back. he was a little clingy again this a.m., but not as bad as yesterday. and when he gives you a big ol' squash covered grin, well, it's hard to even remember the fusspot from the previous morning.

p.p.s. anyone ever seen "the incredibles?" i've always said john reminds me of dash - his little fit constantly on the run, even when he's sitting still. i just expect him to get up and take off. but last night, with his hair sticking up as he clapped his hands, he reminded me a little more of jack-jack. please, lord, don't let my baby burst into flames and rocket up into the sky ... unless of course that particular skillset is necessary to defeat an evil genius ...


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