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no cute boo picture today. john's mom is feeling a little overwhelmed.

it's probably because we travelled this weekend and didn't get home until late. or because i'm fighting some sort of cold/allergy thingy that makes my left ear sound like a tunnel and makes me have no voice (like, NO voice). or because i was out of work for two days to travel and i came back and re-wrote my to-do list and feel like i'll never get it all to-done. or because by the time i work out tonight, it'll be 7:15pm before i get home today, and pretty much the same deal for one reason or another every day this week. or because i haven't gotten enough sleep. or because sometimes when we feel yukky is when my husband and i are the least good at taking care of each other. or because i'm a whiny wuss, that too - 'cause really, couldn't just about everyone, mom or not, working or not, probably claim at least an item or two off this list? so who am i to complain, when these are all such little problems in the grand scheme? (add another one to the list: or because i feel guilty for feeling crappy today when i am truly so blessed.)

oh well. i know what i need to do. suck it up, do one little thing at a time. eat the elephant one bite at a time. smile a little, hug my husband and my baby, drink some tea, talk as little as possible (to help get the voice back), maybe play my cello, throw myself into my workout tonight, focus on the home visit so we can get buddy-the-dog, and just keep on keeping on.

i'll be better tomorrow, i promise.

(humming to herself: just keep swimming, just keep swimming ...)


Anonymous said…
Thanks for your sharing and openness. We all have our ups and downs. I hope this down is short lived and you are back to your happy, healthy, positive self again very soon. Feel better. Sometimes it feels good to just scream. I understand that your voice is lacking however, so maybe you should just gargle with some honey instead. Remember your friends are only a phone call away, when you get your voice back that is.

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