john checking out his crab - a.k.a. elmo - pool he got from auntie for his birthday |
one of the biggest blessings about living in baton rouge is our proximity to family. for my husband and i, that means an invaluable support network that helps IMMENSELY in our efforts to raise john well. for john, that means ... lots of spoiling! (i mean that in the best of ways. this kiddo is so loved, and that's another blessing for our whole family.)
last night, my husband and i had an event to attend right after work, so one of john's doting aunties picked him up from school. she hadn't seem him for his birthday yet, so she took him to target to shop for a birthday present. he picked out an inflatable crab pool ... whose bobbly eyes on top made john declare it an elmo pool.
so auntie set it up in the yard for john to play, and he splashed and splashed and splashed:
there's a video of this one, and he's yelling, "i splashing! i jumping!" |
and when his little naked booty (look closely at the pic below), auntie provided a cool new alligator beach towel to dry off:
uncle took part in the festivities too! |
and once the play in the pool was done, auntie, uncle, and john piled into uncle's "big truck!" and went to watch a beach volleyball game where one of my cousins was playing. by all accounts, john was an awesome little fella who played nicely and watched the game and listened well ... does a momma proud, for sure.
transfixed by beach volleyball |
and the night got even better, because when we picked john up at auntie's house, we switched his carseat to forward facing. he just giggled hysterically the whole drive home. he laughed at every car that drove by, and occasionally he'd pepper the conversation with an exclamation of "FAST daddy! daddy go fast!" he was utterly gleeful at his new point of view.