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in constant motion
momentum: the impetus of a body as a result of its motion

i have been contemplating momentum the past few days - what it is, the role it plays in my life, how to get it, how i lose it.

three things i am not naturally very good at (among many others):
1. keeping a clean house
2. eating healthily
3. exercising frequently

periodically, i get "on a roll" in one or several of these areas. while i am "on a roll," my dishes are done. my laundry is not just washed and folded, it's also put away. my floors are clean. my counters are clear. my shoes are in their places in my closet. my bed is made. i feel accomplished.

or, i make good food choices. i politely decline the treats offered to me. i appreciatively TASTE the treats when someone is particularly determined in their generosity. i stick to my meal plans. i drink lots of water. i actually stop wanting processed, un-good-for-me crap. i feel clean.

or, i am up every morning for the gym, like it or not. i take walks with my dog and my child and my husband. i focus on my breathing and my posture even when i'm not working out. i feel strong.

on the rare occasion that momentum carries me in all three areas at once,  i am a superwoman. i am so proud and so at ease and so content.

but superwoman has a kryptonite. all it takes is one busy weekend to pull the brakes on all the accumulated momentum. the laundry and the dishes pile up and the floor goes unmopped ... i say "yes" to that piece of king cake or birthday cake or pizza or whatever, and i don't say "no" the next time, either ... i hit snooze one too many times and say, "tomorrow."

the polar oposite of momentum: BOOM. inertia.

i know the only way back to momentum is one little step at a time. ofifoto* and all that jazz. so, here's to today: the beginning of momentum again. this last bout of inertia wasn't as long as some - perhaps a week of bad behavior? - so surely it shouldn't take too long to get back in the groove.

i felt like hitting snooze ... but i didn't.
i forgot my breakfast but made a healthy substitute choice.
i will put away the laundry this evening.

THAT, friends, is a very small but very powerful step toward momentum.

* One Foot In Front Of The Other = ofifoto


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